Charitable Trust

ROE Foundation Grant

application forms

A Board of Trustees operates the Foundation. These trustees meet on a regular basis to make decisions regarding the operations and directions of the Foundation. Requests for Proposals generally are sent out in the late summer or fall of the year with funding selections made in early winter.


The Foundation only funds projects that provide services to elderly citizens (age 62 years or older) who are poor and distressed; capital projects are not considered. The Foundation is interested in funding ongoing programs that will continue to provide services to senior citizens beyond funding by the ROE Foundation Grant. The ROE Foundation does not encourage requests for continuation funding for previously funded projects, however, when such requests are submitted:

  • They will be considered on an individual basis. 
  • The Foundation reserves the right to request additional information from the applicant regarding continuation funds.
  • Duplication of successful proposals from previous years will not be considered.

There is an emphasis toward funding projects that offer services in rural, distressed areas. Partnerships in projects and proposals are encouraged and are prioritized higher than proposals with no community partners.


Only proposals that will operate in rural Eastern Washington State will be considered.


It is not the intention of the ROE Foundation to commit ongoing funding beyond twelve (12) months for any program. The Foundation will review proposals annually and decide on their individual merit regarding funding commitments. As part of the Foundation's grant process, interim and final progress reports are required. Reports will be accepted via email send to ROE Foundation Trustee Chair, Susan Grindle. Timely compliance to these reporting requirements is necessary to ensure future eligibility.


Questions regarding the ROE Foundation Grant may be directed to the ROE Foundation Trustee Chair using the contact form.